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    ISPO MUNICH 2016: HOLMENKOL reinvents ski wax:
    New best performance times are the aim of the SYNTEC Project


    The oldest ski wax brand in the world is set to air a secret at the ISPO MUNICH. A secret which will raise the performance of HOLMENKOL ski wax to a new level. The SYNTEC project has been created in order to make new best performance times possible in alpine and nordic skiing.

    Two years ago, the idea for a secret research and development project was born; an idea to optimise the performance of HOLMENKOL ski wax. In January 2016, the SYNTEC project will for the first time be presented to the public at the world's leading international sports trade fair, the ISPO MUNICH. The idea is based on novel synthesis technology which can provide even better results in acceleration, speed and abrasion resistance. At the ISPO MUNICH, HOLMENKOL will present six ski waxes from this young project. These waxes will form the basis on which the use of the new synthesis technology will be developed over the coming years.

    Unique ski waxes "Made in Germany"
    Up to now, all ski wax manufacturers have used the same ingredients for their waxes. Only their respective mix differs. Using the new synthesis technology, HOLMENKOL will in future improve the structural properties of the ingredients and in this way provide better-performing unique ski waxes "Made in Germany".

    Six new SYNTEC ski waxes for alpine and nordic Ski
    The first products from the research and development project will be available for purchase in stores winter season 2016/17. The SYNTEC Race Mid Alpin and the SYNTEC Race Wet Nordic have already been used for the Skiing World Championships. The novel synthesis technology allows unprecedented performance with previously unachieved acceleration, speed and abrasion resistance.

    HOLMENKOL SYNTEC Race – Alpine
    The new hit wax from the Alpine Ski World Championships is a high fluorine synthetic powder for alpine skis which can be applied with a waxing iron or corked. HOLMENKOL offers three types of wax, each for different conditions: SYNTEC Race WET Alpin is suited to moist to wet coarse and fine-grained snow and for snow temperatures of 0°C to -6°C. The best conditions for the use of SYNTEC Race MID Alpin are fine to coarse snow with snow temperatures of -4°C. to -12°C. SYNTEC Race COLD Alpin was developed for cold and dry snow at snow temperatures of -12°C to -20°C.

    HOLMENKOL SYNTEC Race – Nordic
    The high fluorine synthetic powder is applied with a waxing iron or corked. This is the new hit wax from the Nordic Ski Championships and is available in three types, each for different conditions. SYNTEC Race WET Nordic is suitable for moist to wet coarse and fine snow with snow temperatures of 0°C to -4°C. The best conditions for SYNTEC Race MID Nordic are moist to dry snow and snow temperatures of -2°C. bis -10°C. SYNTEC Race COLD Nordic was developed for dry and cold snow with snow temperatures of -8°C. bis -20°C.

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